Sunday, February 16, 2014

The PRE Dawn of Man

At first blush [and for most folk at ANY blush] the opening sequences [up to time we see a space craft] seem fairly simple and generally as:

Ape is stupid; Ape sees Monolith; Ape gets smarter and uses bones as implements to kill for food and power; fade to space.  Let's watch this cut down version to discover a lot more.

Movie starts as black BECAUSE there is an eclipse happening and we ARE "eclipsed", hence the black.  But as "all inspiring" my own experience of a Full Eclipse [Cairns 2012] turned out to be at age 67, this is a DOUBLE eclipse, and guess what, it is viewed from a similar spot to where Starchild is "born" at the end of the movie, ie in a "pod" about 500 miles above "The DARK Side of the Moon".

Now the amazing personal coincidence is that I viewed and filmed my own "Monolithic Moment" in 2012, just 2 months before I watched this movie for the first time, and I made the comment on UTube [under movie]:

"It must have been terrifying in older times when there was no knowledge of impending eclipses, with the world suddenly turning to Night"

You can view movie here  And as a coincidence I too did a "double effect" by filming the actual dawn as well as the eclipse [less than an hour later].

But back to ASO, the first thing to realize is that the initial action/sound is BEFORE any reference to apes and thus can be seen as representing the WHOLE movie.

The MGM logo is thrown in just before we start to come out of the eclipse and the first thing we see [very faintly] is the dark side of the moon viewed from about 500 miles up, and this starts at 0:28 about 20% from screen top.

At 0:33 it has moved down to about 30% from screen top and at same time and same PLACE we see the sun on the point of exiting the eclipse by Earth.  That is to say a giant ruler would rest perfectly across from moon to earth to sun.

At 1:00 the last of the moon leaves the bottom of screen and at same moment another logo appears, changing at 1:08 and again at 1:18, at which time the eclipse has ended, ie sun has fully "popped out" from Earth.

Please note that for a Full solar eclipse viewed from Earth, the virtual sizes of moon and sun are very close to being identical, so the period of "full darkness" [about same as for a full moon] is only about 2 minutes [as seen in my Utube video], but here the sun is way smaller than the Earth, so the darkness [as viewed from other side of moon] would be several hours [and be darker, without "edge effects"].

And all that is perfectly timed to see out the Sunrise Movement [at 1:40] from Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra.  It is the first of 3 times this theme is played [one for movie, one for apes and one for "Starchild" - and NONE for man] which IMHO can ONLY be referring to Nietzsche's central message ["spoke"] from Zarathustra which says:

"Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape... The overman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the overman shall be the meaning of the earth... Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman—a rope over an abyss ... what is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end."

Please move to next blog post The Dawn of Man [coming soon].

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